You say, “by telling the truth?” I agree, the truth will set you free! But if you can’t get the truth past a wall that is built up, how does the truth get through? So I’ll answer with this: I know a truth. It’s my truth; it is what has been given to me through The Word. Now before you disagree, remember it is all about interpretation, right? So my truth is this: IT’S MY TRUTH, just like IT'S MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. So with this truth I have, I will wear the belt as described in Ephesians 6:10. This belt is truth, my truth as it has been revealed to me. The truth that I will share with others from this belt is this: LOVE. I don’t need to convince anyone about my truth because it belongs to me. God has given me a truth. I understand my truth because it is what has been given to me by my God. What I can share from my truth is Love. In John 15:12, it say “this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you.” Christ did not say if you want to, or if you have time or feel like it, but He said “I command you.” In response to the woman caught in adultery and brought out by the church leaders to be accused by them, Christ says “he who is without sin cast the first stone.” He didn’t say “you adulterous woman, you sinner who will never be able to please me.” He just simply said “where are your accuser woman?” She responded that they are gone and Christ responds, “then I don’t accuse you either, now go and sin no more.” What we don’t know is if she did sin again. I’m going to make an assumption and say she probably did, but with this thing called Grace which Christ has already shown, she is forgiven. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Do you think that Love can break all walls down, cross all barriers, and build bridges for The Gospel to reach the world more effectively than any other action? PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS. ~Morgan
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But its end is the way of death”? How can you know that what is your truth isn’t a deception??